We hold quality at the heart of everything we do, meaning you can be reassured that you will get a quality fire safety system maintained by high quality staff. As part of our quality control we meet the ISO 9001:2008 framework and are accredited by numerous public bodies for the quality of our work. We comply with all legal frameworks and national policies, if you wish to view a specific policy please contact us.
Fire Protection Association
We are a full member of the Fire Protection Association and are actively involved in their industry-wide training programme. The Fire Protection Association is the industry body that coordinates fire protection policy with CFOA (Chief Fire Officers Association) and the Government.
ISO 9001:2008
FireSafety International has been certified to the new international quality standard, BS EN ISO 9001:2008, achieving certification in August 2010.
We view quality as the most important focus of our business development and adhering to this quality standard means we inspect and review all aspects of our work on a regular basis. This leads to a better service for our clients and means we are continually improving the way we do things.
If you click the image to the right you can view our certificate in full.
Quality Policy
The management of Firesafety International Ltd are dedicated to providing the highest possible standards of quality for its services and are dedicated to maintaining a quality management system which ensures that its services meet customer specification within agreed parameters of cost, Quality and Delivery. This is achieved by the use of Key Performance Indicators to measure the conformance to the above criteria and use this information as drivers for the Continuous Improvement throughout the Company.
The company's quality management system concentrates upon error prevention, by investigating processes, identifying errors and opportunities for errors and implementing corrective and preventative action to correct and avoid such occurrences.
The company defines quality as the conformance of services to established and documented requirements derived from Client needs, employee expertise and experience. Systems are open to constant examination and review by all company personnel and approved third parties enabling observations to be made and incorporated, which provide for continuous improvement.
The company is proud of its good reputation for responsible practices and dedicated Client care, which are a result of the company's ethical culture, skilled committed staff, and quality control over its services. It is the company's policy to seek to operate to these standards continuously and to implement and operate fully the BS EN ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance standard through registration and annual review.
Suppliers to the company will be actively encouraged to improve the quality and reliability of their services.
The company complies with all legislation relevant to its particular industry sector together with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Firesafety International Ltd have identified the need to pursue responsible policies towards the community and that the interests of industry will not be served at the expense of the environment.
It is the company's belief that, in applying these Standards, policies and procedures it will be able to operate to the requirements of its Clients and industry accordingly.
Steve Goben
Managing Director
Certification and Accreditation
FireSafety International and its employees are certified by numerous bodies, you can find a selection of our certificates below.
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Health and Safety
SAFEcontractor - The Health and Safety Assessment Scheme
The company's application for SAFEcontractor accreditation was driven by the need for a uniform standard across the business.
Steve Goben, Managing Director at FireSafety International said, "Working to attain such high standards to become approved by SAFEcontractor has helped us to pay attention to detail, become more organised and focused as a team and think about our roles and the impact our health and safety procedures and efficiency has on our company."
"It is important for our existing customers and prospective clients to see us proactively improving the way we work and reaching a higher level of standard. Our certificate is proudly displayed next to our quality policy in the office and a new page created on our website with the SAFEcontractor logo inserted."
SAFEcontractor accreditation is expected to enhance the company's ability to attract new contracts and its commitment to safety will be viewed positively by its insurers when the company liability policy is up for renewal.
John Kinge, Head of Risk at SAFEcontractor said, "Major organisations can no longer run the risk of employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies"
"More companies need to understand the importance of adopting good risk management in the way that FireSafety International has done. The firm's high standard has set an example, which hopefully will be followed by other companies within the sector."
Under the SAFEcontractor system, businesses undergo a vetting process, which examines health and safety procedures and their track record for safe practice.
Those companies meeting the high standard are included on a database, which is accessible to registered users only via the website, www.safecontractor.com
Employer organizations who sign up to the scheme can access the database, which enables them to vet potential contractors before they even set foot on site. These employers agree that, as users of the scheme, they will engage only those who have received accreditation.
Over one hundred and twenty four major nation-wide businesses, from several key sectors, have signed up to use the scheme when selecting contractors for services such as building, cleaning, maintenance, refurbishment or electrical and mechanical work.
Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
Our Policy
FireSafety International Ltd a small family run business based in Stoke on Trent but covering nationally. We mainly deal with servicing all types of fire suppression systems in industry so our impact on the environment is not large. However, like all businesses we recognise that we have a responsibility to minimize our environmental impact as much as possible.
How do we do this?
Our commitment …..
To keep our use of paper to a minimum.-
- All banking is done online.
- We email most quotations, invoices and statements rather than using paper.
- We store client's reports and technical manuals digitally and on our website for clients to download.
- We encourage all clients to send information to us electronically.
- We keep the large majority of files digitally rather than traditional paper files.
- We use online services such as the HMRC and Companies House for tax returns and correspondence.
We keep all our vehicles in good repair and vehicle share where possible to reduce our carbon footprint.
FireSafety International will implement a training program for its staff to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in improving the company's performance.
FireSafety International will comply with all relevant environmental legislation.
We will also encourage the adoption of similar principles by its suppliers.
This environmental policy applies to all our operations including management, office services, engineering services and procurement. Steve Goben is responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented. However, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.
Monitoring and Communication
Progress against these objectives is monitored through monthly management meetings.
This environmental policy is available on request and is also available on our website http://www.firesfateyinternational.com
Steve Goben
Managing Director.
Corporate Responsibility Policy
Corporate Responsibility Policy
Our Business Principles and Code of Ethics
FireSafety International Ltd recognises it's corporate and social responsibilities to its shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees and is committed to conducting business in a manner which fulfils legal and moral obligations. We strive to ensure that our business is conducted in all respects according to the highest ethic and professional standards and aim to achieve our business objectives in a caring and responsible manner recognising the economic, social and environmental impacts of our business activities.
We seek to minimise the environmental impact of our activities through the prevention of pollution, minimising waste, good environmental management practises, and prefer electronic forms of communication to significantly reduce paper use.
FireSafety International implements a training program for its staff to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in improving the company's performance.
We comply with all relevant environmental legislation.
And we also encourage the adoption of similar principles by our clients and suppliers.
Health & Safety
We are devoted to high standards of health and safety, recognising our duty and legal responsibilities for securing the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, sub-contractors working on our behalf and others affected by our activities. We strive to achieve continuous improvements in health and safety performance being accredited by SafeContractor, audited externally.
We provide equal opportunities to all existing and prospective employees irrespective of their race, gender, ethnic origin, age, nationality, sexuality, religion, marital status, social class or disability. We oppose all forms of unfair and unlawful discrimination and we recognise that our reputation is dependent on the quality, effectiveness and skill base of our employees.
We regard our suppliers as our partners and work with them to achieve our objectives in the delivery of products and services. Fire Safety International is committed to working with its suppliers to improve the quality of products and services, understand where products are sourced and ensure the principles of environmental sustainability are upheld, assessing such through supplier questionnaires.
Steve Goben
Managing Director.
You can download a PDF of our Corporate Responsibility Policy here.